Report on the international ICF consensus conference on the ICF Core Sets for hand conditions
Rudolf KD, Kus S, Coenen M, Dereskewitz C, vd Ven-Stevens L and Cieza A. Report on the International ICF Consensus Conference on the ICF Core Sets for Hand Conditions. Hand Therapy, 2010; 15: 73-76. Abstract
Content validation of the ICF Core Sets for HNC: a multicentre study
Tschiesner U, Linseisen E, Becker S, Mast G, Rogers SN, Walvekar RR, Berghaus A and Cieza A. Content validation of the international classification of functioning, disability and health core sets for head and neck cancer: a multicentre study. J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2010; 39(6): 674-687. Abstract.
Content validation of the ICF Core Set for stroke: the OT perspective
Glässel A, Kirchberger I, Linseisen E, Stamm T, Cieza A and Stucki G. Content validation of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) Core Set for stroke: the perspective of occupational therapists. Can J Occup Ther. 2010; 77(5): 289-302. Abstract
Developing a Core Set to describe functioning in vocational rehabilitation using the ICF
Escorpizo R, Ekholm J, Gmünder HP, Cieza A, Kostanjsek N, Stucki G.Developing a Core Set to Describe Functioning in Vocational Rehabilitation Using The International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF). J Occup Rehabil. 2010; 20(4): 502-511. Abstract.
Patients' functioning as predictor of nursing workload in acute hospital units...
Müller M, Lohmann S, Strobl R, Boldt C, Grill E. Patients' functioning as predictor of nursing workload in acute hospital units providing rehabilitation care: a multi-centre cohort study. BMC Health Serv Res 2010; 10(1): 295. Abstract