ICF Core Sets for acute and post-acute settings
In 2003, Comprehensive ICF Core Sets were developed for the condition groups - cardiopulmonary, neurological and musculoskeletal conditions for acute and post-acute settings.
As with the condition-specific ICF Core Sets, the development process involved conducting preparatory studies and a consensus conference of experts. The preparatory studies included:
- a systematic literature review to examine what is covered by standardized outcome measures on these condition groups
- a cross-sectional study to reflect the patients perspective as well as to see what frequently occurs in clinical practice in treating persons experiencing cardiopulmonary, neurological or musculoskeletal conditions
- and focus groups to gather informaton what health professionals see as relevant when treating patiens or clients with these health conditions
The development process and results of the 1st version of the ICF Core Sets for cardiopulmonary, neurological and musculoskeletal conditions for acute and post-acute settings were published in a special issue in Disability and Rehabilitation in April 2005. Click here to access the astracts.
In subsequent studies these Comprehensive ICF Core Sets for the acute and post-acute settings were validated and in a second step brief versions of were established. The results of these studies were published in a special issue in Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine in January 2011. Click here to access the abstracts.
Both the Comprehensive and Brief ICF Core Sets for cardiopulmonary, neurological and musculoskeletal conditions for acute and post-acute settings can be downloaded here.
Where and who can use these ICF Core Sets?
The Acute ICF Core Sets for patients/clients with neurological, musculoskeletal and cardiopulmonary conditions are intended for use by physicians, nurses, therapists and other health professionals working in the acute hospital on medical, surgical or other units not specialised in rehabilitation. The Post-acute ICF Core Sets for geriatric patients and patients/clients with neurological, musculoskeletal or cardiopulmonary conditions are intended for use by physicians, nurses, therapists and other health professionals involved in early post-acute rehabilitation.
For more information, feel free to contact Prof. Eva Grill at eva.grill@med.uni-muenchen.de or Melissa Selb at melissa.selb@paranet.ch.